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The Corner Coach was created from those never-ending days at the track when you're struggling to finish the final laps of your moto. I found myself and others throwing technique out the window and knew there was a way to improve rider function.
Sit up. Too far forward. Scoot back. Now you're too far back. We've all heard this.
The only solutions to this issue are permanent seat bumps that require users to remove the seat cover, glue the bump to the seat, and then hope that the original cover will still fit. Sounds like a pain, right? It is. And what happens if you mis-place the bump on the seat? Now you have to toss the entire assembly and start over.
The Corner Coach is the only adjustable and removable option that allows riders to choose the position of their seat bump. Need to sit farther up on the seat? Slide it up. Further back? Slide it back. It's that easy.
I hope this product benefits you as much as it did for us.
- The Corner Coach Team